On November 2, 2024, WWF-Indonesia together with partners Keluarga Kita and Earth Hour Bandung conducted a mini Talkshow Main Bersama Bapak with the theme "Protecting the Earth for your Little ones: Why Sustainable Products are Important for Families?" at Bahagia Kopi, Bandung.
This event aims to spend parents' free time with their children, so as to increase the close relationship between parents and children and also aims to introduce sustainable palm products that are on the market and can be purchased by the public for use in everyday family life.
The talk show was closed with the Inauguration of the mentoring program for the making of the Sustainability Action Plan (SAP) implemented by WWF-Indonesia with Wise Steps Consulting for SMEs and hotel industries in the Jakarta - Bandung area. The mentoring program is the first step to form a joint commitment to implement a sustainable business in the practice of circular economy, and social and environmental impacts.
Play with Father and Storytelling about the Environment
The first activity carried out was Play with Fathers, the fathers together with their children gathered and played together. One of the games provided by Our Family is "Koak-Koak-Gagak". In this game, fathers and their children were invited to work together to make an origami crow's beak.
In addition to playing with parents, there was also a children's story about the environment with the title "Protecting the Forest". Other activities included coloring pictures of animals such as sea turtles, one-horned rhinoceros, and orangutans.
Talk show Introduction of Sustainable Palm Oil Program
In the talk show, Angga Prathama Putra, Sustainable Commodities Leader, WWF-Indonesia said that oil palm plantations in Indonesia are found in forest areas. This causes disruption of natural habitats and threatens Indonesia's endemic animals. It is possible that in the future children will only know animals such as Javan Rhinos, Sumatran Tigers, Sumatran Elephants, and Kalimantan Elephants only through photos.
The use of palm oil products is very much a part of everyday life. However, the use of palm oil products that have been labeled RSPO-certified sustainable palm oil or what can be called CSPO (certified sustainable palm oil) is not widely known by the public.
In fact, CSPO products are already widely available in supermarkets or minimarkets in Indonesia such as cooking oil and margarine products. By using ecolabeled palm oil products, it means supporting the preservation of Indonesia's nature.
One of the hotels in Bandung that has implemented the use of labeled palm oil products is Hotel HARRIS POP! Festival Citylink. One of the hotels in Bandung has committed to using products that are labeled RSPO. According to Ismail Fajar as the PR Resource Manager of Hotel HARRIS POP!, Hotel Harris will continue to support the preservation of Indonesia's nature, one of which is by switching to environmentally friendly products, namely using labeled palm oil.
Siska Nirmala, founder of Toko Nol Sampah, was inspired to implement zero waste after seeing a lot of trash while hiking. Toko Nol Sampah is a store that sells organic and eco-friendly seasonings without plastic packaging. She believes that home is the first step to implementing zero waste that has a positive impact on the environment. The store also aims to raise public awareness about the benefits of organic seasonings for family health.
Inauguration of Partners in Sustainability Action Plan
At the end of the event, an Inauguration was held for partners who have implemented the creation of sustainable action plans accompanied by WWF-Indonesia together with Wise Steps Consulting. On this occasion, WWF-Indonesia handed over certificate of completion assistances for partners who had completed the SAP draft to Savero Hotel Depok, Gran Mahakam Hotel Jakarta, Mercure Hotel Jakarta Cikini, Mercure Convention Center Ancol Jakarta, Raffles Hotel Jakarta, de Braga by Artotel Bandung, Panganan Wani Roso, Work Coffee Jakarta, GH Universal Hotel Bandung, Keyz Home Made, and HARRIS & POP! Hotels & Conventions Festival Citylink Bandung.
In addition, WWF-Indonesia also gave a certificate of appreciation to 10 industry partners who are committed to using sustainable palm oil products in their daily business operations, among others, HARRIS & POP! Hotels & Convention Festival Citylink Bandung, Savero Hotel Depok, Hotel Gran Mahakam Jakarta, Mercure Jakarta Cikini, Raffles Jakarta, GH Universal Hotel Bandung, Mercure Convention Center Ancol Jakarta, Keyz Home Made, Work Coffee Jakarta, and Panganan Wani Roso.
The SAP plan is expected to be a commitment and form of responsibility of partners and companies towards the environment to create a better future for the next generation, for a greener and healthier earth.